By: debbie lynn elias

“Do you believe in miracles?!?” 23 years later that line is still one of the most heralded in sports, in the country and in the world. Uttered (okay, lt’s face it – shouted with the ultimate exuberance and enthusiasm) by long-time ABC commentator Al Michaels in the sporting showdown that led the U.S. Hockey team to the gold medal in the 1980 Olympics, those five little words still live in the hearts of every American watching the Olympics that night and still have the ability to bring a chill to the spine and swell of pride to the chest. Thanks to the folks at Disney we can all relive those magic moments and the story behind them come February 6 with “Miracle.”
While patriotic in an historical context, “Miracle” is first and foremost about hockey and in particular, about coach Herb Brooks, the man held responsible for “The Miracle on Ice”. The time is 1979 and director Gavin O’Connor, in consort with film editor John Gilroy, exquisitely sets the stage with an opening montage of historical audio and video footage of the world in those troubled times leading up to Olympic training headquarters in Fort Collins, Collins where Brooks is being interviewed for the head coach position for the 1980 Olympic Hockey team. The opening sequence is a history lesson in and of itself.
Intensive interviewing gives insight into Brooks’ character and beliefs. Seeing a need to re-write the book on playing hockey, he wanted to give the Americans style more like their fiercest adversary, the Russians, a team that had taken home the gold in ‘64, ‘68, ‘72 and ‘76. His goal – to the beat the Russians and bring home the gold. Thanks to his drive, desire and forward thinking ambition, Brooks is named as coach and starts the long process of assembling his “dream team.”
Disney veteran, Kurt Russell steps in as Herb Brooks and gives a compelling performance as this calculating and intensely driven man, even assuming the complete physicality of Brooks right down to his bad hair and not quite Canadian accent. He exudes an outward confidence that belies the inner insecurities and doubts of Brooks yet fills the screen with a passion for the sport, his players and the goal. Russell is so convincing in the role that at times you forget that it’s not Brooks himself on the screen.
By keeping the film centered on Brooks, but for a few exceptions, director O’Connor fills the team with a bunch of unknowns that effectively serve as vehicles for a character study of Brooks. Seemingly just “faces on the ice” through much of the movie however, the performances of these young men are such that one can’t help but feel the emotion and intensity of each and every player, each and every hit. As America did in embracing the real hockey team, the movie-goer will do here.
Untypical of most sports films, O’Connor intricately weaves the events of the world in and out of the story like a skilled seamstress, never becoming too preachy or political, but giving the film some depth and character, all the while keeping hockey and Brooks at the forefront with a running time line of the world as an unobtrusive backdrop. But you don’t have to be a hockey lover to appreciate the beauty and skill of this movie. Never inundating the audience with stick drills, ice time, etc., O’Connor saves the bulk of the skating for the last thirty minutes of the film, telling a story and building to that magnificent and miraculous crescendo. He also provides interesting camera angles that enhance the emotional intensity of certain scenes, and never moreso than in face-offs with the Russians. Oblivious to potential political references, O’Connor has the ability to successfully visualize the inner strength, drive, focus and desire of the individual player with a single frame. Cinematographer Dan Stoloff also does his part and expertly captures the feel of the period and does particularly does well with mirroring the essence and look of the video and film footage of the day.
This is a story about a man with a dream and determination. A story of historical context with a triumphant message. A story that will make you laugh, cry, sit on the edge of your seat and in the end, have you screaming with spine-tingling joy, “Do you believe in miracles?” You betcha. And this is one of them.
Kurt Russell: Herb Brooks Jim Craig: Eddie Cahill Patrick O’Brien Demsey: Mike Eruzione Michel Mantenuto: Jack O’Callahan
Directed by Gavin O’Connor. Written by Eric Guggenheim. A Walt Disney Picture. Rated PG.