By: debbie lynn elias

As moviegoers, you may not know their names, but you certainly know their films. Mark Canton and Gianni Nunnari are the producing team behind the legendary 300. Joining forces with visionary director Tarsem Singh and Relativity’s Ryan Kavanaugh, they now bring us IMMORTALS, a spectacle that is even more spectacular and more of a technical and artistic achievement than any of their prior films; thanks in large part to the vision of Tarsem Singh, not to mention some very fine physical specimens up on the screen.

After some in-depth interviewing during the IMMORTALS press junket, I had a chance to catch up with then again at the world premiere red carpet and chat with Mark Canton.


So, how are you doing?

I’m fine. How about you? Did you bring any oil to oil up the guys?

No. We didn’t need to. These guys are fully lathered [laughing]. They arrived fully lathered. There’s no issue with these guys.

Do you ever get tired of red carpets like this?

No! When we were in Brazil we once had a green carpet. We like that, too. It was very cool. But, of course, it was Brazil so what could be wrong.


We never get tired. When my partner and I make movies like IMMORTALS and 300, we’re proud, we’re happy, the audiences love it.

As I told you at the junket last week, I want a sequel. Already. Now. I want a sequel.

Well, if you have it, give it to us. We can make a lot of money!! [laughing]

Have fun tonight!

Thank you so much. You too!
