Behind The Lens Radio Show – 09/21/2015

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btl - 9-21-2015

This week on BEHIND THE LENS, debbie welcomes some very eclectic filmmakers talking about very unique – and fun – films. First up, director Madellaine Paxson joins debbie live to talk about her first feature film, BLOOD PUNCH. What makes Paxson’s choice of BLOOD PUNCH even more interesting as her feature directorial debut is that her prior work, and that of BLOOD PUNCH writer Eddie Guzelian, has been as screenwriter for such terrific kids programming as “Power Rangers RPM”, “The Tigger Movie”, “Go, Diego, Go!” and more! From kids to comedic horror.   And Madellaine explains it all! Then writer/director Phil Allocco is live talking about his latest rom com charmer, THE TRUTH ABOUT LIES; and when I say charmer, I do mean charmer!

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And listen to some powerful excerpts of debbie’s exclusive interview with RACING EXTINCTION director, Louie Psihoyos, as they talk about one of the “Must See” documentaries of the year.  Plus, in the last segment, you’ll hear a little bit from debbie’s exclusive director Scott Christopherson and former Utah Sheriff Dub Lawrence for some insight into the documentary PEACE OFFICER.  In these troubled times post-Ferguson and continuing allegations of excessive force by police around the country, Dub Lawrence brings his personal story and personal tragedy to us with insight and objectivity.