By: debbie lynn elias

In IMMORTALS, as the mysterious Oracle, Phaedra, Freida Pinto continues to weave her spell over not only movie-goers but her co-stars as well. Breaking onto the scene with Danny Boyle’s Oscar winning Slumdog Millionaire, Pinto then provided a great dramatic turn in Julian Schnabel’s Miral, but now with IMMORTALS, Pinto comes into her own, showcasing effortless elegance and ease both in her performance and on the red carpet.

After speaking with Pinto earlier in the week about Phaedra and working with Tarsem Singh, I caught up with her again on the IMMORTALS red carpet.


So good to see you again!

So good to see you again, too! They‘re rushing us. We get one question. [laughing]


This is really your fourth major film. Is it all still very new and exciting to you?

It’s not new but it’s very exciting nonetheless. It’s not new because I feel that when I finished Slumdog Millionaire, I knew that I was a bit tainted. I’d done the whole thing, the whole novelty has kind of warn off, but the excitement is always there. It comes in with every film with the experience you have from making this amazing film with amazing actors and the director. It just comes back when you meet up with everybody on the red carpet.

They’re moving you along! Thank you, Freida!

Thank you!
