THAT WHICH I LOVE DESTROYS ME hits Capitol Hill July 10th with Special Screening


hits Capitol Hill July 10th with Special Screening

Members of Congress and high-ranking military officials will be joined by wounded warriors and their families on July 10th at the US Capitol for a special screening of filmmaker Ric Roman Waugh’s documentary “That Which I Love Destroys Me” (#TWILDM).  A powerful, eye-opening and humbling documentary that focuses on returning soldiers’ battles with PTSD and most importantly, how they’re overcoming these issues, “That Which I Love Destroys Me” is unique.

Told through the perspective of special operations soldiers, namely, Tyler Grey, 1st SFOD-D, Delta Force and Jayson Floyd, Army Ranger, 75th Ranger Regiment, with unprecedented access and candor further insight into the PTSD struggles is provided through interviews with CSM Jeff Mellinger, Command Sergeant Major of all Multi-National Forces in Iraq, as well as Pennsylvania Congressman Tim Murphy (R), himself a licensed psychologist and Lt. Commander of the U.S. Navy Reserve Medical Corps, and others.

Recent statistics on military-related PTSD are staggering. 600,000 veterans suffer with PTSD.  230,000 suffer from traumatic brain injury.  Every 65 minutes, a veteran commits suicide; up from one every 80 minutes in 2012.  62,000 veterans are homeless on any given night.

The screening is co-hosted by Congressman Tim Murphy and Beto O’Rourke and according to Waugh, has already garnered support from House Speaker John Boehner who has encouraged all members of Congress to attend the screening.

Tyler Grey and Jayson Floyd will be in attendance and participate with Waugh in a post-screening Q&A moderated by CNN’s Jake Tapper.


For further information about the documentary, please go to