The hilarious new comedy from Paramount Digital Entertainment, BEEF is choice cut comedy!
Set in a neighborhood butcher shop, BEEF is a fresh, improv comedy-based spin on a traditional courtroom show revolving around the host Lou the Butcher (Christopher Meloni). Like his shop, Lou is a neighborhood institution. Combining the wisdom of Samson with the eloquence of Yogi Berra, Lou is the guy everyone comes to when they have a “beef.”
Created by Michael Ian Black (Stella, Michael & Michael Have Issues), Joe Lo Truglio (Superbad, Reno 911!) and Jonathan Stern (Children’s Hospital, Burning Love), the show stars Christopher Meloni, Joe Lo Truglio, Michael Blaiklock, James Pumphrey, Angela Trimbur as well as guest stars Masters Of Sex’s Lizzy Caplan and Mather Zickel, Brooklyn Nine-Nine’s Stephanie Beatriz, Michael Cera, Luke Cahill, Beth Dover and Armen Weitzman.
Beef will premiere on 11/11 on EST and VOD platforms in the US and Canada in retailers such as (including but not limited to): iTunes (TV Store), Vudu, TargetTicket, DirecTV, Dish, Cablevision. It will be on the ITunes TV store with a season pass only option on 11/11 at $9.99 SD and $14.99 HD.